Sad! A horrific tragedy on the Kumasi-Obuasi route claimed the lives of thirteen people in a VIP transport.

VIP bus

A tragic accident occurred in the early hours of Monday, October 14, 2024, involving a VIP bus traveling from Kumasi to Enchi in the Western North Region. The vehicle veered off the road and plunged into a deep ditch near Kwapia, a small community close to Obuasi in the Ashanti Region. This horrific accident has left the entire nation in shock and grief as 13 passengers lost their lives, including seven men, five women, and a child.

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Police reports have confirmed the severity of the accident. All but one of the deceased passengers died instantly at the scene. The sole surviving passenger who initially survived the crash, identified as the bus driver, Osei Adu, was quickly rushed to a nearby hospital for emergency medical treatment. Unfortunately, he succumbed to his injuries shortly after arriving at the medical facility, bringing the total death toll to 13.

Eyewitnesses who were near the scene reported that the crash occurred around dawn, at a time when visibility was still poor. According to accounts from survivors and locals, the bus, with the registration number ER 2445-11, had made an unscheduled stop to pick up several stranded passengers from another broken-down vehicle earlier in the journey. This act of goodwill, intended to assist those left by the roadside, ended up causing severe overcrowding on the already fully-loaded bus, pushing the vehicle beyond its intended capacity.

Reports from passengers who survived indicate that the atmosphere on the bus became tense as soon as the additional passengers boarded. A heated argument allegedly broke out among some aggrieved passengers, who expressed concerns about the overcrowding. The situation escalated, with some passengers reportedly yelling at the driver to stop and rectify the situation before continuing. However, it is believed that this confrontation may have distracted the driver, Osei Adu, causing him to lose control of the vehicle.

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According to law enforcement officers, the bus veered off the main highway after failing to negotiate a sharp turn near Kwapia, resulting in the devastating crash. The impact of the accident was so severe that the bus was almost completely wrecked, and rescuers who arrived at the scene faced challenges in extracting the bodies from the mangled vehicle. Emergency services, including personnel from the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) and the police, responded quickly, but despite their best efforts, 13 lives were lost.

The accident site was described as chaotic, with onlookers and family members of the victims arriving in disbelief and mourning. Thick dust clouds from the crash and the overturned bus were seen as rescue teams worked tirelessly to recover bodies and transport the injured to nearby hospitals. For hours after the crash, distraught families gathered, waiting for news about their loved ones, while some bus passengers who survived the crash stood by in shock, recounting the traumatic events that unfolded before their eyes.

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The incident has raised renewed concerns about road safety, particularly on long-distance bus routes in Ghana. Overloading remains a persistent issue on major highways, despite efforts by authorities to enforce regulations aimed at reducing accidents. Transportation officials are expected to launch an investigation to determine if the overloading directly contributed to the accident, as well as review the overall safety protocols of long-distance bus companies operating across the country.

One local resident from Kwapia, who witnessed the aftermath, stated, “This road is known for accidents, but this is the worst we’ve seen in years. It’s such a tragedy to lose so many people like this. We heard a loud bang, and when we came out, we saw the bus in the ditch and people crying for help.”

The victims of the crash included people from various walks of life, from business travelers to local residents, all heading to the Western North Region for different purposes. Authorities are working to contact the families of those who perished, while local hospitals have been overwhelmed with the sudden influx of casualties.

VIP Bus_

The Ghana Police Service has announced that they will collaborate with the National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) and other relevant stakeholders to enhance safety measures on the nation’s roads and prevent further loss of life. A police spokesperson added, “This is a tragic reminder of how dangerous our roads can be, especially when drivers and passengers fail to follow safety regulations. Overloading vehicles and distracting drivers are a recipe for disaster.”

In the wake of the accident, government officials, including representatives from the Ministry of Transport and the Ashanti Regional Coordinating Council, have visited the accident scene and offered their condolences to the bereaved families. They have also called for increased awareness campaigns on road safety, particularly during the peak travel periods where buses often carry excess passengers due to high demand.

The crash serves as a somber reminder of the fragile nature of life and the dangers that travelers face on the roads every day. As investigations continue, it is hoped that lessons will be learned from this tragedy to prevent similar accidents in the future, and that efforts to improve road safety regulations and enforcement will be strengthened across the country. For now, the entire nation mourns the loss of 13 souls in a heartbreaking and avoidable accident.