Popular young comedian Success Madubuike, popularly known as Aunty Success, has left fans and netizens guessing about her recent state. The teen star was spotted with her childhood colleague Emannuella as they both went out for a casual date However, Success’ physical looks from a photograph shared online left netizens attributing it to either pregnancy or overfeeding as they aired their hot takes
Popular young comedian Success Madubuike, popularly known as Aunty Success, has sparked debate online over a recent photo. Emmanuella, the teen star’s childhood colleague, posted a lovely image of them on Instagram.
Aunty Success’ photo with Emmanuella triggers questions. Credit: @auntysuccess Source: Instagram
The viral picture looked like a casual outing in the mall.
However, Aunty Success’ protruding tummy and weighty appearance as she posed with Emmanuella caught the attention of many, leaving them guessing that the former was pregnant.
See the picture below:
Aunty Success posed for the camera with Emmanuella, and netizens had questions. Credit: @officialemmanuella Source: Instagram
Check out the photo and give us your comment. Is Aunty Success really pregnant? who could be the man involved.